The deadline for Registrations is 20th May, 2024.
1st Step – The initial step for participation in our event is to register your company. Please ensure that your company registration is completed before proceeding to the next step.
2nd Step - We kindly remind you to register your teams for participation. Please ensure that your teams are registered before the deadline to secure their participation in the event.
We would like to remind you that the deadline for the full payment, along with the submission of the abstract, report, and PowerPoint presentations, is approaching.
The deadline for completing these requirements is 24th May, 2024.
Abstract,Report and Presentation Upload
Step 01 : Compress Your Files
(Including Abstract, Report and PowerPoint Presentation + Payment Proof)
Step 02 : Rename the compressed folder with your Team Registration Number
Step 03 : Upload Your Submission
Payment Details
1. Cash payment to Account. No. 0071524099 held at the Borella Super branch of the Bank of Ceylon and attach a copy of the cash deposit slip. The slip should clearly indicate the Name of the organization and the team name.
2. Cheque written in Favour of “SRI LANKA ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY” should be deposited into Account. No. 0071524099 held at the Borella Super branch of the Bank of Ceylon and attach a copy of the cheque deposit slip. The application will not be accepted until the cheque is processed and funds are remitted to the account.
3. Online transfer to Account. No. 0071524099 held at the Borella Super branch of the Bank of Ceylon and attach a copy of the transfer slip.
To be paid before 4.30 pm on 30th April 2024
“Please share the payment proof by renaming the document with the company registration number, to”
National Convention on Quality and Productivity 2024 has been officially announced.
The gold-winners of NCQP will be eligible to participate at the International Convention of Quality Control Circles (ICQCC 2024) in Sri Lanka from 11th-13th November 2024.
NCQP 2024 Guidelines
Abstract & Report Writing Guidelines
NCQP 2024 Marking Criteria
Quality Improvement Projects
QI can be applied in any situation. It is used mainly in the service sector and predominantly in the healthcare sector to improve patient outcomes, safety, and service efficiency by implementing QI projects. QIP criteria have been amended.
In the design of services, it is useful to classify them in some way. Several sources from the literature on the subject help us to place services in one of the five categories below:
- Service Factory
- Service Shop
- Mass Service
- Professional Service
- Personal Service
Parasuraman et al. used the relationship between service quality and customer perceptions of product quality; his five dimensions are reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles.